Friday, December 31, 2021

Best of 2021 - Year in Retrospect

 ... Which doll could possible be taking the top spot?   I know everyone is complaining about this being the "leanest" doll year from Integrity Toys.  Even though there were only small mini-collections of some main doll lines, collectors received a lot of options this year from IT.   Especially if you were a W Club member.  

In addition to those FR2 dolls already listed in the countdown:  Siren Silhouette Korinne Dimas (Best of 2021 - # 10 ), Enamorada Natalia Fatale (Best of 2021 - # 9 ), Mothership Dania Zarr (Best of 2021 - # 4 ), Sovereign Adele Makeda (Best of 2021 - # 3 ), and Malibu Sky (Collection Addition #35 ) there were some very strong contenders for my Top 10 spots.  In 2021, I received:

Neo Look Adele Makeda

Wicked Narcissism Eugenia Frost

Such A Gem Dania Zarr

Bijou Elyse Jolie

Legendary Status Agnes Von Weiss

I didn't have a convention ticket for 2020, so I didn't get the opportunity to purchase the Color Variation Legendary Status Agnes Von Weiss (she would've been a very strong contender); however, Malibu Sky seems similar somehow, so I'm not stressed and not going to pay secondary market prices for this doll.  (Photo property of IT)

I also didn't purchase Smoke and Shadows Vanessa Perrin (mold 3.0/2.0).  She reminded me a lot of Secret Garden Eugenia.  Besides that I already have Violet Obsidian Vanessa from the 2020 convention.    (Photo property of IT)

If you are counting, is it possible that we actually received twelve FR2 dolls this year?  Not to mention some conventioneers received four additional FR2 dolls prior to January 1.  And if you added the two Jason Wu Net-A-Porter dolls, that would make a grand total of eighteen FR2 dolls!

If NuFace is your passion, in addition to Billion Dollar Baddie Alejandra Luna (Best of 2021 - # 6 ),  Wild Feeling Rayna Ahmadi (Best of 2021 - # 5  ), and Natural High Lilith Blair (Collection Addition #11 of 2021 ), there were four extremely strong dolls shipped to collectors in 2021.

Charmed Child Ayumi Nakamura was the third doll added to my collection in 2021 ( Collection Addition - #3 ).  Unfortunately, I couldn't bond with this doll and sold her.

Fit to Print Nadja Rhymes.  I don't know how I missed reviewing this doll??  For that matter all the upgrade dolls were missing from my Collection Addition list!   And I thought I had come out just about even!   Guess not!   This is a very beautiful doll.

Then there was the 12th doll added to my collection in 2021, Pretty Reckless Rayna Ahmadi (another gorgeous NuFace girl reviewed in my blog Collection Addition - #12 of 2021.

And finally A Fashionable Legacy Violaine Perrin.  

If you add the four Obsession Convention dolls, that means collectors had the opportunity to add eleven Nuface dolls this year.

Could the #1 spot belong to Poppy Parker?  This would be the third time that's happened in my blog.  

Including Beach Babe, we got:

Undercover Angel (Collection Addition #5 )

Sugar and Spice (Sort of a tribute to Grease).  Please forgive the paper towel; it was put there to prevent staining from the black collar to the platinum hair.

Holiday at Home Ginger Gilroy

Pink Lemonade

And two IFDC dolls.  Marvelous Masquerade

Lounge Siren

Then there were eight additional members of the Poppy Parker line offered at the Obsession Convention (Obsession Convention Poppy Parker  ).  Sixteen members of the Poppy Parker family could've been added to your 2021 collection.

I did a blog entry about the eight East 59th Street offerings (East 59th Street Dolls of 2021 ).  Add Black Ice Victoire Roux from the Obsession Convention and there were nine of these dolls.

In addition to the two Open Edition Keeki Adaeze dolls, we also saw the following in 2021:

Coming Out Navia Phan (Collection Addition #9 of 2021)

Showing up at #10 of Collection Additions is Every Woman Zuri Okoty

There was also a lottery version of Navia Phan, Enigmatic Re-invention, that I didn't pursue.  (Photo property of IT)

That means we had five Meteor dolls this year.

Last, collectors got two offerings of Misaki.

Beast Girl 

And Retro Girl (photo by IT)

If you purchased all these dolls plus the four Jem dolls, you would have increased your collection by 65 dolls.  There were plenty of choices to include in a Best of 2021 Top 10 list.  That seems like a lot, but 10 years ago, 2011, Integrity Toys produced 122 dolls for collectors.   That's almost double the dolls they put out in 2021.  

... So is my #1 of 2021 hidden somewhere in this post?  Did I pull another fast one and group some dolls together?  Did I decide to give #1 to a well-represented doll line?  ... Or could it be something else?


  1. I am so intrigued! I truly have no idea who is #1

  2. i just wanted to say : i love your blogs, i love your website. very inspirational and informative . thank you


Thank you for your wonderful comments and the encouragement to write this blog. It is only possible because you read and respond. I do not comment back because I have not figured out how to do that. That is my goal for the New Year - to better design my blog.