Although I tease that "I Do NOT Collect Poppy Parker", I am actually one of the original collectors from back in 2009. Summer Magic was my very first Poppy and she still resides in my collection. It's hard to believe but she is the closest thing to a "mini-me" that has ever been produced in doll form (circa my 30's which was a very long time ago).
I've owned many of the earlier versions of Poppy, including the elusive Bergdorf Goodman.
Somehow this Integrity Toys (IT) line is like a revolving door around here. I had originally hoped Poppy would be a good companion for Misaki, but they just don't work well together for me. It seems I have extremely specific taste when it comes to our girl Poppy.
Of course there are some staples from the earlier years: I Love How You Love Me, She's Not There, Hot Dots, To The Fair, and Irresistible in India. And there's the occasional girl that steals my heart and requires a frankendolly body like Angel In Blue.
But it wasn't until 2016 that David Butry made Poppy Parker a more prominent fixture in my collection. The Poppy Parker versions that year were AMAZING. Poppy Parker was actually my #1 of 2016 - here is the post #1 of 2016 - Poppy Parker Most of these dolls still reside in my collection. It was official in 2016 that "I AM a Poppy Parker Collector".
Even though I collect Poppy, I rarely buy one on secondary market. Almost all of my Poppy girls have either been purchased at retail, or close to convention prices. This year, I found myself turning to secondary market to acquire some special dolls.
I actually sold 18 versions of Poppy that had been languishing in their boxes and finally secured Agent Lotta Danger, a personal favorite. She is amazing redressed but is the most I've ever spent on a Poppy - $225.
In 2017, I found myself preferring the IT Fairytale Convention Poppy versions to the mainline releases. Excluding Through the Woods and Believe in Me, Welcome to Misty Hollows is the only 2017 Poppy in my collection. She was also in my countdown last year Best of 2017- Number 7 - Welcome to Misty Hollows Poppy Parker
I'm not sure about other collectors, but 2017's W Club Exclusive Golden Holiday arriving in April 2018 was a downer for me. Why offer a holiday doll and send it out in April? She left almost immediately upon arrival. Nonetheless, she is a lovely version of Poppy.
The W Club Registration Poppy, Soda Pop Saturday, was also a miss for me. Although she is a really cute doll, she looked too generic to me. Photo by Integrity Toys.
In 2018, we saw dolls arrive from The Swinging London Collection (Wave II) that was also announced in 2017. Photos by Integrity Toys.
I initially passed on all of these, but I realized I made a mistake with one of them. (And have been sorely tempted by a second, Friday Night Frug.) Unfortunately, I had to pay secondary market for Hold that Tiger. No regrets! She is one of the most photographed dolls from my collection this year and was the subject of my 2018 Christmas Card!. Here is the link to my review Hold That Tiger Poppy Parker Review
The W Club Registration Poppy, Soda Pop Saturday, was also a miss for me. Although she is a really cute doll, she looked too generic for my tastes. Photo by Integrity Toys.
It turned out that Poppy was a very busy girl in 2018! Somehow that little vixen made her way to the Italian Doll Convention in May! (LE 250 in blonde and an additional 250 in PINK hair!) Both these versions, referred to as Ciao! Poppy, have been very sought after and demand more than I am willing to pay on secondary market. (Being a teacher, this was announced at the end of the school year for me and I was just too exhausted to hunt them down!) Photos by Integrity Toys.
Poppy made her way back to the U.S. just in time to appear at the IFDC in one of the most popular collections ever produced Psyche A Dollic. Photos by Integrity Toys.
Although I won the lottery right to purchase Free Spirit, I couldn't bond with her and sent her to live with another collector. My favorite from the collection was Summer of Love, but, once again, I refuse to pay her ridiculous secondary market prices; however, I was able to acquire Time of the Season with an e-bay 15% off coupon at a price I could handle.
She is another favorite in my collection and has received a lot of redress. I reviewed her at Time of the Season Poppy Review
It seemed Ms. Poppy Parker was really on a roll! The Mainline collection in 2018 was called City Sweetheart. Photos by Integrity Toys.
I actually passed on all these dolls. There were some nice versions of Poppy in this collection, but I was spoiled by the Limited Release versions and was expecting some lovely dolls from the 2018 IT Luxe Life Convention. Although Co-ed Cutie was a collector's favorite, it seems Peach Parfait is a sleeper hit!
Well, the Luxe Life Convention rolled around and Poppy Parker delivered in a major way. (While attendees and collectors were complaining about the "lack of luxe", I could almost hear David Butry saying under his breath, "Just you wait, I'll show you luxe!" And "luxe" he showed us!)
The Luxe Life Poppies had metallic boots, metallic gloves, coats, sunglasses, amazing jewelry. They even had little pieces of metallic luggage! One version of Poppy even turned up hidden in the Style Lab The Industry packaging! If a collector purchased the entire Style Lab (that's 10 dolls and 10 ensembles), they would find enough pieces to put together a Poppy Parker in cream skin tone, complete with ensemble! Photo by Integrity Toys.
This version has been called Miss Behave Poppy and sells on the secondary market at $500 and up! (I think she should be called "Brilliant Marketing Concept Poppy Parker"). Obviously, Miss Behave does not reside here! I can't afford her.
I did manage to get three of the remaining four versions though. The one that continues to elude me is the Poppy Luncheon centerpiece, Snow Stopper Poppy. She will be mine one day! Photo by Integrity Toys.
I was able to get both Luxe Life Convention Poppies at very decent prices! The first was Chiller Thriller. I'm not sure why this doll isn't more popular. I really like her hair/face up combination. That silver suitcase is awesome!
The other Convention Poppy was Gold Snap. She is beginning to gain momentum on e-bay. I love the ensemble. I have been pining for 2016's Model Living, and I think this one is similar but has better hair and screening.
The last Convention Poppy was the gift doll at the Poppy luncheon named Lemon Frost. I am completely confused by why this doll isn't sky rocketing. I think she is amazing. She's the darkest skin tone produced in Poppy Parker to date.
So ... who's your favorite? There are 23 Poppies that were received in 2018 (and a two-doll giftset announced that won't get to collectors until 2019). I believe this year's collections actually rival that of 2016 (and may even be better!). If Poppy Parker was the focus of my collecting, I would've had some serious fiscal problems! One could easily come up with a Top 10 list just with Poppy Parker! Unfortunately, I don't own the best ones - Miss Behave, Ciao! Pink Hair, Summer of Love, or Peace of My Heart.
It was a truly difficult decision choosing my favorite. Hold That Tiger has gotten the most redress and camera time of all the dolls arriving here in 2018. The accessories, hair, and screening on Gold Snap quickly moved her to the top of the pack! But the doll that combines these two together was the one who has stolen my heart!
Based on the Poppy Parkers actually residing here, my favorite and #19 of 2018 in my collection would be Lemon Frost Poppy Parker.
Look at those adorable shoes! Had she come with a yellow purse or piece of luggage, she would've been total perfection!
This doll is amazing redressed! Here she is dressed up for "The Best of 2018 - Poppy Parker" Photo.
And since it is December 31, Lemon Frost would like to wish all of my followers and readers of this blog a New Year filled with good health and blessings beyond measure! Happy New Year 2019!
Lemon Frost is one of my favorites of the year too, I love her radioactive brocade coat. I really think the Luxe Poppys are perfection!