Saturday, December 6, 2014

Merry Christmas To All

This week I've been preparing my Christmas Cards to mail.  I always get melancholy doing this because it reminds me of family members and friends with whom I can no longer share this special holiday.   I miss my mother especially at this time of year.  She always found a way to make Christmas magical.

I was thinking that it would be nice if I could send all of my followers and readers a special card and realized there was no reason why I couldn't!

After photographing Disclosure Monogram for the Black & White picture challenge on Flickr, my love of my Monograms was rekindled, so I finally redressed the Workshop Monogram from the 2013 convention.  I think I was inspired by the Victoria Secret's television commercial that has been airing recently.

I just love this doll.  If Mrs. Claus looked like this, I could see why Santa would be so jolly and could race around the globe to return home!
I hope the next few weeks finds each of you in good health.  I hope your gifts include joy, peace, and happiness in your life.  After all, we are celebrating the most wonderful time of the year!


  1. Now I want somebody to write fan-fic (non-smutty) in which Mrs. Claus is an international model or fashion icon. She met Mr. Claus while doing a lingerie photo shoot at the ice bar in Sweden...

  2. The details on this lingerie is amazing.
    I understand how you feel. My mom is gone and one of the last Christmas' when she was alive was the best ever.
    A Christmas hug--->to you!

  3. The Santa that goes with this Mrs. Claus is one lucky fella! I do know how you feel about missing your loved ones. My mother died a little over 2 weeks after Christmas in 1968. Even though it has been 46 years, I still miss her and it saddens me the she and my daughters never got a chance to meet. I think she would have loved my girls!

  4. Happiest of holidays to you and yours. Thank you for sharing the dolls with us all year.


Thank you for your wonderful comments and the encouragement to write this blog. It is only possible because you read and respond. I do not comment back because I have not figured out how to do that. That is my goal for the New Year - to better design my blog.