Saturday, November 29, 2014

Ebony and Ivory

I was recently nominated to participate in a Tag Game on flickr.  The game was 5 days of black and white photography.  I've never really done very much with black and white photography - as you can tell from my photography skills, I'm still learning how to take pictures in color!

I have recently been trying to keep the models used in my flickr photos from being duplicated which caused the Tag Game to be even more challenging.

When I think of Black and White photography, I tend to think of glamorous Hollywood actresses from the 1930's - 1960's.  This lead me to choose a mini-Gene for Day 1 of the challenge.  Here is a portrait shot of Mini Gene Red Venus.
As much as I liked the result, I knew it was time to pull out some diorama items.  Some of my personal favorite pieces are the Silkstone Vanity, dressing screen, dress form, and mirror.  I decided to go for a "pin up" girl and reached for Disclosure Monogram.   I have never redressed this doll.   I think she is just so gorgeous just the way she was produced.
I was very pleased with the results of the photo, especially the reflection of the dress form in the mirror.   Now, it was time to capture a more alluring doll.  My favorite dressing robe ever produced by IT is Urban Geisha Kyori.  After seeing the photos posted by a collector who put this doll on a NuFace body, mine has been on that type of body ever since.  Isn't the embroidery work on this robe amazing?  
As much as I liked the full length photo, I decided to go for something that shows the beauty of this doll's face up.  
I was beginning to feel a little relieved.  It turns out there are several dolls around here that haven't been highlighted on my Flickr account.  I decided it was time to put a more "full-figured" girl in front of the lens.  I had been thinking of selling Monaco Royale Vanessa, but she reminds me so much of Diana Prince, Wonder Woman's alter-ego.  I really hope IT decides to do more with the mold.
As a final choice, I had saved my favorite IT mold of all.  I was surprised to find that High Profile Eugenia hadn't been photographed in a very long time.  I think she was the best doll from the Tropicalia Convention, the only doll convention I've ever attended.   
As much I enjoyed this Tag Game, it was a lot of work.  And even though I really like the portrait of High Profile Eugenia in black and white, she looks better in color.
Don't you agree?

BTW … if anyone is interested in seeing my photos on Flickr, here is the link:


  1. Beautiful pictures and dolls. This is the first close-up I've seen of the small Gene, she was a bit of a mystery to me :-). I love the kimono robe, a lovely piece of clothing! Thanks also for the info about the spray in your earlier post.

  2. Oops, that about the spray is a mistake, sorry :-D!

  3. I love love Eugie!!! I have to debox her soon. Everytime I see a picture of her it makes me more excited to own her. I am super excited that at convention a table mate purchased her and immediately asked if I waned to purchase her at cost because she had overspent. I went to the ATM while the event was still going on.

  4. Those are some gorgeous dolls! I love Mini-Gene. She looks especially pretty in black and white.

  5. These are lovely photos. Black and white gives the photos quite a different feel and atmosphere doesn't it?

  6. Thank you for sharing your Flickr. I always enjoy your photos. Not sure which I envy more - your incredible dolls or your incredible collection of doll clothing and accessories!

  7. Black and white photographs can be more stunning than color, and I am really drawn to them. Your results are great, with the closeup of Kyori being my favorite.


Thank you for your wonderful comments and the encouragement to write this blog. It is only possible because you read and respond. I do not comment back because I have not figured out how to do that. That is my goal for the New Year - to better design my blog.