Friday, February 14, 2014

First Doll of 2014 - Gold Glam Adele

First things first … Rich was correct with his guess that I pre-ordered Hot Blooded Elsa Linn.  I wasn't going to pre-order any dolls, but I love this Asian screening.  I disliked all of the original Elsa mold editions; however, this one definitely spoke to me.  I waited 24 hours and placed my pre-order the morning following the reveal.  I got confirmed that afternoon.

I was torn about adding Cymbidium to my 2014 List of Dolls.  Since she was not purchased by me but was a gift from a friend, I am not including her.  However, when I was looking on e-bay for her a friend, I realized that I would have to add the other AI to my list.  Making a list with a 34 doll allowance is really keeping me on task!  I immediately signed off e-bay.

Adding the doll that is the subject of today's blog to the list was also complicated.  A doll retailer accidentally listed the ITBE dolls on their website over the Thanksgiving holidays.  I immediately purchased all three and paid for them on the spot.  Since they were purchased in 2013, I figured I wouldn't have to count them in 2014.  (Isn't it amazing how I can talk myself around things?)

When the lottery was announced, I got a message from the owner of the shop that she was refunding everyone's money because she could NOT sell these dolls at the prices for which she had listed them.  (She only had our money for 2.5 months!)  She said that she would have to pay shipping on them, so she couldn't honor the price.  I understand that everyone makes mistakes.  I asked what she would have to charge for them; she said $99.   I told her I thought that was more than fair and that I would purchase for the new price.  She agreed.  When the ITBE dolls exploded on the secondary market at triple their retail, I got another e-mail that "Integrity canceled all my dolls, so I am refunding your full amount."  I have purchased from this dealer before, but I will never purchase from her again.  

Fortunately, I had entered the lottery for two of the dolls that I liked best.  I won Gold Glam Adele.  If I had to choose my most favorite IT molds, Adele 2.0 would definitely be in the top five.   I was thrilled to win her for retail.

And a closeup of the face.
Her hair was "greasy" feeling from product.  It was a hot mess.  If you look at photos on the secondary market of this doll, you will see what I am talking about.   It immediately required a thorough shampoo.  Since it has a razor cut, layered style (not my favorite), I also included a boil perm in her spa treatment.
Unfortunately, no jewelry was included.   The dress is quite nice.  She came with very nice and very well made shoes.
I really like the face-up and hair color.  She actually adds a new element to my collection of Adele girls.   Do you see Beyonce?


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