Saturday, January 12, 2013

They Really Do Mean Well ....

As many of you know I teach gifted children in grades 1 - 5.  Because I work with so many grade levels, I get to know my students quite well.  I've worked with many of them for five years.  You build really good relationships with parents and students when you have this much consistency.

I teach writing to my fifth grade students, and we keep a writer's notebook.  Part of teaching writing requires that I model writing for the children, so I draw from my personal experiences.  We were doing a writing prompt once about something you regret doing in school or something you got in trouble for doing.

In fourth grade, I had a teacher new to the profession.  She was quite "snooty" having to work with rural children in Appalachia, feeling it was beneath her.  Because we were primarily children of farmers and factory workers, she taught "down" to us.  She liked to brag about her family and her trips.  She had gone to Hawaii on her honeymoon and took every opportunity to tell us about her adventures there.

One day she had to leave class and gave us an assignment to keep us busy until she came back.  I finished my work quickly and got bored.  I decided to entertain the rest of the class by climbing up in my chair and imitating Mrs. Rhodes and doing the hula.  Just as I was in full swing and shaking my hips like the hula dancers on Hawaii Five-O, in walks Mrs. Rhodes.  It was the first paddling I ever received in school. 

Naturally, my students loved this story.  For Christmas this year, one of them brought me a present. 

They know I collect dolls and thought it would be great fun to get me something I had shared with them. So, now I have my first Lalaloopsy, Mango Tiki Wiki.  They also pointed out that it was "For ages 4 to 104" and hoped I was still young to collect them.  HA!  HA!  She comes with a little bird friend, a ukelele, a lei, and a coconut drink.  CUTE!

It was really sweet of my student to do this, but I had promised no dolls from another line.  Since this was gift, I couldn't turn it down or return it.  It reflected a personal connection between my students and me.  But, you know how we "doll people" are.  You can't have just one.  She will get lonely.  I took a Target gift certificate I received from another student and decided to get Wiki a friend.

 Everyone needs a personal cheerleader in their life.  Someone to motivate them and support them no matter what.  I didn't have a cheerleader in my doll collection.  Now, I do.  She came with her own megaphone, cheer banner, poms poms, and a little yorkie. (The pom poms actually have little plastic handles to fit on her hands!

Tiki and Peppy became fast friends.  Now, I have started something else!  I have a feeling there will be more.  Fortunately they are small and will not compete for space with my bigger girls.  How adorable!


  1. LOL..I was laughing at imagining the snooty teacher coming back and seeing this , your description was so funny. La Loopsy dolls are very addictive! My Poppys love to play with them, as well as Skipper and Stacey!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Trying

    What a great sentiment and what a special story! I loved it!

  4. Hello from Spain: I like your story. Those dolls are adorable .. Keep in touch

  5. How sweet. I've seen quite a few really cute mini La Loopsy dolls. So far I've been able to resist.

  6. Wow how lovely your mini lalaloopsy dolls are,you share a great bond with your students!! :D

  7. Your students seem like great kids! Love the story and the dolls.

  8. This whole post was very charming! I loved reading it. I have Lalaloopsies, too (the mini ones) and they're too cute to resist.


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