Friday, January 18, 2013

How Did I Miss That?

I'm usually a pretty good judge of whether or not I'm going to like a doll.  I try my best to trust my "gut instinct" when I pre-order.  Most times I'm right.  There have been a few dolls I purchased and then decided to sell because I just couldn't bound with them. Money's tight these days, so you want to choose wisely.

Then there's the flip side to the coin.  Sometimes I pass on a doll; after production dolls are shipped, the photos start posting and the "talk" gets started about how great the doll is.  I look at the photos over and over.  I keep asking myself, "What am I missing here?" 

This was the case with my first doll of 2013.  She was a W Club Exclusive Doll.  I didn't like her promo photos at all.  When collectors started posting redressed photos, I still didn't feel any love for this poor girl.  She started appearing on "Best of 2012" lists.  A LOT of "Best of" lists, for that matter.

So, I found her head for a great price and posted a "Want to Buy" to find a body.  .My dear friend Rich saw the post and offered to send this doll's body because he had changed his girl onto a regular Fashion Royalty body. 

Her head arrived and I put on the heating pad.  I dressed her and she came alive. 
I've developed a whole story for her in one photoshoot.  Her name is Fletcher.  She attends Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, as have the women in her family for the past five generations.  Her father is a United States Senator.  For holiday this year, she visited the castles of Europe.  Here she is in Germany and the Augustusbug.
She really is quite lovely.  I'm surprised I missed her.  I need to be more open-minded and take some risks when purchasing dolls.  It's obvious that I'm not always right.

My first doll of 2013 ... Integrity Toys NuFace High End Envy Erin.



  1. I loved her the moment she first appeared. Your story is perfect for her.

  2. She really is one of my favorite dolls from 2012. I was like you, and didn't know if I would bond with her, despite how beautiful I thought she was. A doll can be stunning, but not really captivate once she is in your possession. But, like you, we clicked. (^_^) Congrats on a risk well taken.!

  3. Congrats on getting her! I also loved her, but I had ordered too many dolls and just couldn't. Lol! I love her story and redress.

  4. LOL Love when a dolly person sees the light. Although I wasn’t keen on her two-tone hair, I thought her new sculpt was gorgeous. Her blue eyes and red lips sing. Congrats on your lovely new addition. You did a gorgeous redress and her photos are lovely. Also enjoy that you gave her a name and a life. Good dolly guardian. *smiles*

  5. like you, I wasn't really loving that two tone thing going on with her hair. I however, have learned the hard way over the years that the promo pics doesn't mean the doll will not be liked once here. I know I would have snapped her up in a milasecond if she had been dressed in your outfit- though the little black petal dress is nice and the jewelry and shoes are perfect, she is lovely, she isn't at the top of my love list of 2012, but I don't think I would sell her. She will probably become part of my all girl rock band, lol.

  6. Shes really such a lovely lady. I like her outfit alot too it goes really well on her.

    I seem to notice sometimes with IT promo pictures they can really make me hate a doll sometimes, like the Shake it up Korinne. Their promo pictures turned me off right away to her, all the wrong unflattering angles since her face is more masculine, but once i saw a couple owner pics and one with her hair washed I decided i really loved her.

  7. Hello from Spain: This doll is one of my favorite dolls. She is very smart. The hair is awesome. Keep in touch


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