Thursday, September 27, 2012

Integrity Welcome Dinner

Oh WOW!  It was so wonderful putting names to faces.  Veronica was our table hosterss and she is just fantastic!  She made everyone feel so welcome and comfortable.   We were surprised to see who the Centerpiece Doll was .... Agnes made an appearance very early in the program.  She is Force of Nature Agnes Von Weiss. 

This is the youngest Agnes we've ever seen.  She has very blonde razor-cut hair.  She is wearing a teal colored print chiffon dress (some people are calling it "seaform green").  There is a lot of detail that went into this dress.  It is sheer from hips down, has a net slip and teal panties.   It is just gorgeous.  She has a french manicure.  The jewelry is very modern.  The shoes are a tan.  My husband won the table centerpiece! 

Then they had a contest ... they called three members up on stage to play a game.  Guess who was called.  MY HUSBAND!   It was hilarious.  They gave him a Poppy Centerpiece Doll NRFB from the last convention.  He traded it for a Dynamite Girl.  Boy, is he in the doghouse!!!   He said, he had no idea one doll from the other.  LOL!

They unveiled more information about the Jem line, and we were told the Color Infusion Lab in the morning would have female dolls on the Jem body. 

At the end of the convention, each attendee was given an Anja!  

OMG!  This is my favorite doll of the convention so far.  She is drop dead gorgeous!

What a great first night!  I can't wait for tomorrow.


  1. Congrats on your wins! Beautiful girls and Agnes's dress is just gorgeous :)

  2. Enjoying your play by play of the convention-- sounds like you're having so much fun with your hubby! :)

  3. Dynamite Girl for a Poppy?! Yes the dog house is the place for him. He is apparently a good luck charm. That Anja is gorgeous! You know I am already anticipating the Committee's response when you return. Have fun!

  4. It does sound fun! Your perspective is wonderful. You make me really want to go. And apparently it's already worth the price! I love the strategy of bringing significant others. Increases your chances so much!

  5. 0_0 I am amazed he would trade it without even asking you. Someone saw him and thought "Huh, there's a guy who can't tell these dolls apart!"

    Still, amazing stuff!!!
    Thank you so much for sharing all your pics (the ones from the last post too, they're awesome!)

    I really don't know anything about what goes on at this con... but I'd love to go someday, it looks like everyone has so much fun!

  6. Agnes is very pretty here. I can wait to go on the convenction next year! :)


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