Thursday, September 27, 2012

Integrity Convention Day 1

I really considered not taking a "travel doll" with me to my first ever convention.  How does one choose?  Then Chaundra's antics got her and Ndey suspended for three weeks. 

I decided I wanted to take an older Veronique because she was my first Integrity doll purchased, and she started my obsession with Integrity Dolls.

I considered taking Traveler By Nature - it only seemed to fit her name!  And she is very classy.
Then, I considered Sheer Goddess, who is known around here as Eris.  She is very dramatic!
Also on my list was Diamond Dusted.  Being a convention doll, she was familiar with the routine.  She also knew how to get the sympathy vote with a dog!  (She is named Janelle after the Big Brother contestant)
But I finally decided on Brooke - my Girl of the Moment on a NuFace body.  I love this girl. She is more my casual style.  She got a Clear Lan jacket to wear on the trip.

We started our drive this morning at 6:30 a.m.  It took about 7.5 hours and we got there in enough time to register and pick up our package of swag!

There was a bottle of hair product from Azone of Japan.  A copy of the September 2012 Dolls Magazine with Victoire on the cover was included.   There was a white package that had five pair of plastic shoes inside.
Hey, they're free, right?  There were two pair of black and two pair of red high heel sandals and a turquoise blue pair of closed toe pumps.

There there was the first part of the "Build-A-Doll" kit.  It had an incredible evening gown of blueberry blue and raspberry purple colors with lace overlay.  It is GORGEOUS!

The shoes are wonderful.  There is an extra set of hands, so we know that the doll will be caucasian skintone.  The jewelry is a bracelet, necklace, and earrings - all beautifully made. 

Being the super-sleuth, I checked the back of the box for a Certificate of Authenticity, hoping for a clue as to which doll this may be.

Here is the COA:

Okay, since the ending letter is "T", it makes me think it may be Tatyana.  I'm not sure which other dolls have the first initial "T".  

We arrived in time to pick up our Workshop dolls for tomorrow.  I really hate that I only purchased one and didn't use my husband's membership for another!

I am really loving the Tattoo Workshop doll Francisco!

Look at all that luxurious hair!  He will go so well with the Rock Wedding Romain and the Hansel Pierre.

Then there is a perfect Poppy.  She has long red hair which reminds me of Style Mantra Eden.  She has GREEN eyes!  And eyelashes!!

And finally, there is the Veronique.  Another redhead!

The workshop dolls are phenomenal!  I got to see the actual convention dolls, but I won't be able to photograph them until tomorrow.  Check back soon!  It's off to the Welcome Party!!!

Remember you can click on a photo to get a bigger image!


  1. Oooh, this is exciting. I've never been to a convention and I feel like I'm there with you. Can't wait to read and see more!


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