Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Collecting Cycle 2024 - Number 2

Doll friends are great!  This hobby wouldn't be enjoyable without someone with whom you can share your passions.  

In 2022, I was seduced into the world of collecting male dolls by Jamieshow/Owensu Muses.  I thought my girls should have guys around for photographs; I never thought the male dolls would be able to establish their own corner of my collection.

When the Muses Bonjour Paris line made its made into collectors' hands early last year, I realized I missed an opportunity for a male that was actually quite striking.  I regretted not adding him to my collection when I had the opportunity and he has become quite popular.   A good friend offered him to me NRFB recently.

When he arrived, I was so excited.  It has been fairly cold this winter, and I had been waiting for just the right model for my favorite Integrity Toys homme ensemble, Thrill Seeker from 2006.  

Here is the second doll added to my collection in 2024, Jamieshow/Owensu Muses Bonjour Paris Aiden.

And a closeup, just because he is so handsome!


  1. He’s a beautiful doll! Love your blog.

    1. Thank you following my blog and your lovely comments. The Muses male dolls are the best 12" representations of males. Their faces are so beautiful in person.

  2. He is so handsome! Glad you have come to appreciate the men too! I love them!

    1. Thank you for following my blog and your wonderful comment. Apparently, I've fallen down another rabbit hole!

  3. He is very handsome! I love your blog and the different dolls you feature! ❤️

    1. Thank you for following my blog and commenting. I try to be as honest and objective as possible. There are so many wonderful 1:6 scale dolls out there for collectors of all budgets, and I seem to love them all!


Thank you for your wonderful comments and the encouragement to write this blog. It is only possible because you read and respond. I do not comment back because I have not figured out how to do that. That is my goal for the New Year - to better design my blog.