Friday, December 22, 2023

Best of 2023 - Number 9

I had to go back and look over my "Best of " lists for the past 12 years to confirm this, but a doll from The Industry has never appeared in my Top 10.  That is until 2023.

I  really like the character Tulabelle True.  I like the backstory that she is Poppy Parker's granddaughter living in modern times.  I like the fact that instead of being a model she is an influencer and maintains a strong and respected presence in social media.   I like the clothing of The Industry, the characters, and especially Tulabelle True mold 2.0.  I think it helps matters that both Poppy Parker and The Industry are designed by Integrity Toys favorite David Buttry.  

I actually own every version of Tulabelle True mold 2.0.  Even though she did not make the countdown, Yeti for You is one of my favorite dolls from 2019 (no fault of the doll, 2019 was just a fabulous year for beautiful dolls).  I added glasses to Yeti for You in my photos and fell totally in love with her.  Here is one of my earlier photos.

You cannot imagine how excited I was to find a pair glasses included with Trending Tulabelle True.  David Buttry and I share an aesthetic when it comes to this mold.  It also doesn't hurt that this doll is just so gosh-darned photogenic!

Even though Trending Tulabelle True was announced in 2022, she wasn't received by collectors until early 2023.  She was Number 18 of my 2023 Collecting Cycle.  The minute I opened the box, I fell in love.  Best of 2023 Number 9 is Trending Tulabelle True.

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