Monday, October 23, 2023

Collection Cycle 2023 - Numbers 16, 17, and 18

I apologize for the long lapse between blog entries.   My husband was in a terrible car accident this past summer and has some chronic medical problems.  He has been requiring more personal attention from me and I've had less time for doll play.

Before his accident we had decided to move forward with our plan to sell our home in an effort to "down size".  Since the passing of my mother-in-law, we realized we didn't need so much house to maintain for just the two of us (and almost 1000 dolls).  I've packed up my dolls' rooms, so that has also prevented redress opportunity.  It's also seriously affected my sales since those came to an abrupt halt!

So ... on with the show.

If you collect Poppy Parker, you know how difficult it is to obtain them at retail price.   Scalpers have aggravated the situation and the prices on some of these dolls are just ridiculous.  I try to keep to my Collecting Guidelines and avoid purchasing Poppy Parker on secondary market when at all possible.  Unfortunately, a Poppy sometimes sneaks up on me.  This was the case with Golden Glow Poppy Parker from the Palm Springs Collection.  I didn't think I needed this doll with so much hair.  Then collector photos started showing up.  I tried my best to resist ... but, in the end, I wound up getting one at close to retail price.  Here is a full length photo.  

Even though she had to be packed away for my move, I do not regret ordering her.  Her hair is such a beautiful shade of blonde and her eyes are just the palest of blues.  Golden Glow Poppy Parker is gorgeous and represents Number 16 added to my collection in 2023.

One of the reasons to join the W Club is that there are always at least two versions of Poppy Parker made available to W Club members only.  There is the upgrade doll and they guarantee that one of the exclusives will also be a version of Poppy Parker.   

Another exclusive of the W Club this past year was Primary Subject Giselle Diefendorf.  I have a weak spot for Giselle.  I really do love her mold and the fact that she is a relative of Agnes Von Weiss.

I was on the fence with the purchase of Primary Subject, but that cute little jacket lined in the dress fabric pushed me over the edge.  I'm not crazy about how small her eyes look.  I have several other fantastic brunette versions of Giselle:  Glam Addict, AKA Gigi, and Wanderlust.   I'm not sure if Primary Subject will be staying (I may sell her nude), but she's here for now.

Number 17 of my 2023 collecting cycle is Primary Subject Giselle Diefendorf.

In the world of Poppy Parker, Poppy is considered to be a retro doll living in the 1960's - 1970's.  Integrity toys tied The Industry line of dolls with Tulabelle True and now it represents current fashion trends with Tulabelle True being Poppy Parker's granddaughter.   Another doll offered to W Club members as an Integrity Direct purchase was Trending Tulabelle True.  The Industry/Tulabelle True dolls can share much of the same clothes with Poppy Parker (and even some NuFace dolls).   I really like the Tulabelle True sculpt and own the first two versions (both brunettes).   Trending Tulabelle True with blonde locks was a no-brainer for me.

I really like this version quite a bit.  She has this snobbish look to her which I find somehow very appealing.   Arriving in 2023 and becoming Number 18 in my 2023 collection is Trending Tulabelle True.

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