Sunday, December 25, 2022

Best of 2022 - Number 8 - What? Another "First"?

The next doll on my countdown is actually the last to arrive at my home in 2022.  She just showed up this week in time for Christmas!  I haven't even had time to carefully debox her, so please forgive my lack of "out-of-box" photos.

I have been a big fan of the Integrity Toys Nippon/Misaki doll line ever since its premier in 2006.   These dolls are difficult (not to mention expensive) to acquire since they aren't produced for, or marketed in, the U.S.  They've been quite popular recently and their secondary market prices have climbed again to the levels of their highest popularity.

After Poppy Parker was introduced, it seems that IT put most of its effort into that line.  As a matter of fact, there were only three dolls offered in the Misaki line in 2019, two in 2020, and three this year.  I have been collecting them since 2006 and have many of the earlier dolls, and I actually prefer the earlier aesthetic to those that been produced in the last several years.  That is until the next doll.

Wildflower Misaki is so reminiscent of the earlier Misaki girls.  I love the yellow and denim with pink cowgirl boots!  Her hairstyle is just perfection.   Here are some of the IT promo photo.

Full Length:

Back of doll to see the wonderfully elaborate hair style.

And IT's photo of the accessories.  These accessories are just marvelous.  Those pink cowgirl boots are to die for (and they have zippers).  Look at those bumblebee earrings!  So much play opportunity here!

This is one of those times that the production doll actually surpasses the promo photos.  I LOVE everything about this doll.  Here is a full length photo of the actual production doll.

And her production closeup. 

This is the first time a Misaki doll made it on my countdown!  What a fun doll!   Number 8 of 2022 is Wildflower Misaki.

1 comment:

  1. It's good that you could have a Misaki doll, especially if it's difficult to have when it's not marketed in the United States. 🙂


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