Tuesday, June 15, 2021

#9 of 2021 - Right Ensemble, Wrong Doll

Doll collectors can sometimes be fickle; they can also be fiercely loyal.  Somewhere between these extremes lies most of us, being hesitant to jump on board a new doll line.  (I can still remember how it took a couple years for Poppy Parker to be embraced by the community!)

Somehow that wasn't the case for Integrity Toys (IT) newest line, Meteor.  It was only introduced last year but was an immediate hit.  IT started the line with modest edition sizes of only 525.  

The Meteor line was marketed as a response to the doll collecting community's cry for more diversity in the dolls being produced.   Although I liked all five of the dolls in the initial lineup, I chose to only purchase the W Club Exclusive Afterglow Keeki Adaeze.  (Photo property of Integrity Toys)

My decision was based on the fact that IT had elected to create yet another body type to go with this line; it's similar to the FR6.0 body but has a larger breast plate.  I knew I could always use Aferglow's ensemble (especially that amazing coat) on a different doll in my collection.  And I loved those boots.

Also, like others, I wanted to wait and see real life photos of the dolls produced.  The story setting for the Meteor collection is a dance club.  The concept is quite nice and the characters all fit well together.  After dolls were shipped they started selling out quickly.  Right now, they can only be obtained on secondary market and at close to double their original prices.

When the next two dolls were revealed, I jumped in.  I'm glad I did.  I'm going to review #9 added to my collection in 2021, Coming Out Navia Phan.  Here is one of the promo shots by Integrity Toys.

Some collectors refer to this ensemble as the Covid19 Coronavirus ensemble because the pattern in the dress has a symbol that sort of looks like the picture of the virus.  I find this so funny, yet so appropriate to the last 18 months!

For some apparent reason, I can't help but see supermodel and "Lip-sync Battle" host Chrissy Teigen in this doll.  I think IT missed the mark by producing this doll in the Japan Skintone.  Here is a photo of the doll in the box.

And a closeup.

Although the ensemble fits the dance club vibe, the doll just looks too innocent and young.  I think IT must have realized this early in the production process because they didn't even use the Meteor body for this doll.  (Larger boobs would've looked ridiculous with that cute face!)  Coming Out Navia Phan was produced using the FR6.0 body.  Here is a missed opportunity because I think they should've take her down at least one more degree to the NuFace2 body.  (The ensemble looks amazing on Billion Dollar Baddie Alejandra Luna!)   

I decided this doll needed to be part of The Industry squad; maybe a personal assistant for Tulabelle.  I put her on a body from The Industry.  She is wearing a Barbie ensemble.  What do you think?  Is anyone else getting the Anne Hathaway "Devil Wears Prada" feel from this?  I think she's going to hang around in my collection for a while.  Tulabelle already has some errands for her to run.

But what about the Coming Out ensemble you ask?  

Why it was snapped up quickly by one of my girls. I Slay Nadja Rhymes didn't allow it any closet time.  She may just have found her "forever ensemble" to be displayed in.

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Thank you for your wonderful comments and the encouragement to write this blog. It is only possible because you read and respond. I do not comment back because I have not figured out how to do that. That is my goal for the New Year - to better design my blog.