Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Getting De-Railed Early In The Game ...

My birthday is always at the very end of the academic school year, May 23.   Our wedding anniversary shortly follows on June 5.   Had I thought ahead, I would've separated them more because my husband often gives me a "twofer" gift.  

This year's twofer was a gift that just keeps on giving.  I had been complaining that I missed having a pet in the home.   Enter this little hellion ...

Yes, she is a West Highland White Terror (I mean Terrier).   She has two speeds and they are like an On/Off button -100 mph or completely out.  She is stubborn, opinionated, active, loud, and out of control.  She's stolen my heart.

I started a separate blog just for her.  It's called "The Harleigh Diaries".   Here is the link The Harleigh Diaries - Owning a West Highland White Puppy.


  1. She is absolutely cute and nice!!! I would love to have a little dog like that…
    Happy birthday and anniversary!

  2. What a complete cutie. She'a a heart melter for sure. Happy belated birthday!! Happy Anniversary!!


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