Saturday, May 23, 2020

On The First Day of Summer Break ...

Grouping similar dolls with individual photos has been a major help in evaluating my collection!   When I looked at dolls with blonde ponytails together, I was able to make some evaluative decisions. One set of decisions seems to move logically to the next group.

I decided rather than tackle a major mold group, it would be easier to focus on a mold for which I have a smaller collection.   Renegade Dasha D'Amboise, a blonde ponytail,  is one of my favorite dolls, so it was a "no-brainer" keeping her here.  It is my personal opinion that she has the best screening and skin tone combination of Dasha so far.  I only have three other versions of Dasha in my collection.

The last to arrive was Female Icon in September 2019.   I still haven't taken her out of her box because I hadn't made up my mind about her.  Here she is in her box.
And a closeup.
But the tipping point are the accessories.  (Photo property of Integrity Toys)
That little scarf is amazing and the hat is actually quite attractive and different.  The jewelry is lovely, including three little magnetic pins!  The purse is very avant garde. Those "vulva-high" boots are something else!  (I almost cried in frustration when I saw there weren't any zippers, but they went on easily!)

I really, really, really like this doll's ensemble!   If I sell her, it would have to be nude because I plan on keeping everything else.  ... So let's see what she looks like dressed.
Very nice! (Although the fabric is fairly sheer for those boots, the dress is actually a bodysuit!  I used different hands for the gloves because those long manicures can destroy gloves and cause me to use bad words.)  How about a closeup?
Another one?
How about without the hat?
How about without the scarf, without the jacket, but with a pair of earrings by Isabelle of Paris?
This girl really photographs much better than anticipated.  The proof for me is alway how a girl redresses.
Enough said!   What I considered a "dead stare" in the box, comes to life when redressed!  

But there is already a Dasha with short red hair living here!   Let's look at the four Dashas and the other dolls here with short red hair.

I planned on displaying all the lingerie dolls together, so I don't plan on letting Daydreams go.  Diva is quite different from any other doll living here, so she's safe for now.   Flame Bleue goes with the A Fashionable Life duo (raven and platinum), so she's holding permanent residence.    Red Queen Tatyana is still NRFB;  I guess she may be the subject of the next post!   Fine Print Elyse Jolie is quite unique but gets little redress time.  She is probably the next on the chopping block.  Not a lot of change in my collection from this post!  But, I did release  Female Icon and have moved her to a shelf!  Since she was included in my list of new dolls in 2019, she will not show up in the margin list.

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