Sunday, January 6, 2019

Best of 2018 - #5 Merveilleuse Agnes Von Weiss

Agnes Von Weiss is no stranger to my "Best of" countdowns.  As a matter of fact, she has showed up in six of them and has even appeared multiple times in one year.  

Queen of Everything set the bar pretty high in 2017.  She was my #1 doll that joined my collection.  She is still in my top five Agnes versions ever produced.   Such an amazing face.  #1 of 2017 Queen of Everything Agnes Von Weiss

There were three versions of Agnes available to collectors in 2018.   All three were notable candidates for the honor of the "Best of 2018" list.   The convention version, Affluent Demeanor, is such a beautiful doll and would've joined my group here had she not competed with another brunette doll with a updo - most notably Queen of Everything.  In my personal opinion, there is no contest between these two dolls.  Vamp was another extraordinary version of Agnes, but she is so similar to 2013's Nightfall and 2008's Firefly.  The version that was most special and unique was MerveilleuseBlog Review of Merveilleuse Agnes Von Weiss

This is the first short-hair version of Agnes.  She came dressed to look like Carolina Herrera.  She was the third doll to join my collection in 2018 although she was a W Club Event Exclusive from 2017.   She is also my Avatar on the W Club.
She is wearing the AFL Vanessa gown.  She looks good in everything.  I love her eye screening.  She is easily in my top five dolls received in 2018 and definitely fits the bill as Best of 2018- #5.   Merveilleuse Agnes Von Weiss.


  1. She's a nice doll but her original outfit is terrible mess.

  2. I love her too - the short hair is super well executed and as you say the eye screening is superb. I actually try not to get sucked into the Agnes hype, but the last few have all knocked it out of the park for me.


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