Friday, January 11, 2019

2019 - Reset Button

With the "Top Ten Best of 2019" list behind me, it is time to take a minute and reflect on my collecting.

2018 was a year of refinement.

1.  I have been a collector of Wilde Imagination Ellowyne dolls since the line premiered in 2006.  Several were stuffed away NRFB in a closet.  I found homes for 13 members of my Ellowyne family and purchased two of my favorites that had eluded me.   I decided to keep only one version of each of Ellowyne's female friends - one Lizette (2014 All Natural Spice), one Prudence (2010 Ennui and Me), and one Amber (2011 A Dark & Stormy Night).  Any male dolls left my collection.  Although there are several Ellowyne versions still residing here, I hope to fine tune my collection a little more.

2.  I found homes for all of my Pullip dolls this year except one - that was 6 more dolls out the door.

3.  I donated a few older NRFB Barbie/Bratz dolls to the a message board's birthday celebration.  There are no NRFB Barbie dolls residing here now.  That was the last of my Bratz clan.

4.  I am down to only one antique doll in my collection; hopefully, I will find her a new home in 2019.

5.  The daughter of a fellow teacher at my school is a younger "doll collector" and I introduced her to some of the better dolls.  I have given her a couple to add to her collection.  She is developing into a true collector!

6.  The following changes were made to my Integrity Toys collection as well:

Poppy Parker (18 sold/6 purchased)
Monogram (3 sold/0 purchased)
Victoire/East 59th (1 sold/4 purchased)
Nuface (9 sold/9 purchased)
Dynamite Girl (1 sold/0 purchased)
My Little Pony (1 sold/0 purchased)
Misaki (3 sold/3 purchased)
The Industry (0 sold/1 purchased)
Fashion Royalty (13 sold/20 purchased)

That's 49 sold and 43 purchased.

There is a Tag Game on flickr where you are supposed to create a photo collage of the additions to your collection.  I was little embarrassed when I finished mine.  There were 45 dolls that joined my collection in 2018.  That's almost one per week.  I felt miserable about this.  It doesn't seem like a lot when they are coming in one at a time, but when you put them all together, it really adds up!
10 of these were pre-orders from 2017, eight of them were W Club Exclusives, one came from the IFDC Poppy Collection, and nine were form the Luxe Life Convention. 

But then you have to consider how many dolls left my collection in 2018.  I had 75 dolls find other homes!
My goal of one doll out for every doll in was definitely met in 2018.  That felt good!  A few of my dolls to leave represented some grails that were not getting the display or attention they deserve.  It was hard to let them go, but it felt nice to be able to pass them to other collectors.   

The lists of dolls acquired and sold that runs on the left side of this blog has been reset!  Last year's success is now in the past as I focus on 2019.   I have several dolls pre-ordered that will be delivered this year.  I guess I better get to the doll room and start "weeding the garden".   I hope you have the best of luck in 2019 with your collection.


  1. Julia in Hawaii (wholeeah)January 12, 2019 at 12:42 PM

    I always enjoy reading your blog posts. You did a great job in selling dolls that you no longer wanted, and adding dolls that you love.

    I look forward to your blog posts this new year. I greatly enjoy reading your thoughts on the dolls you acquire.

  2. Awww gawd!! And I thought I was a bad girl. LOL! I love your guidelines in the left hand column, it's a constant reminder to stay true to your goals...nicely done! I hope to move a few of my older dolls that are being neglected this year, let's hope we both achieve what we set out to do.
    Big hugs,

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Thank you for your wonderful comments and the encouragement to write this blog. It is only possible because you read and respond. I do not comment back because I have not figured out how to do that. That is my goal for the New Year - to better design my blog.