Sunday, November 5, 2017

Sister Moguls - Agnes and Giselle

I have gotten very behind with deboxing dolls this year.  Apparently, my rules have all been thrown out the window.  I've been blaming too many things:  my accident in December, my damaged knee, the cancer diagnosis of my little dog and the subsequent loss.  It's time to get back on track.

The very first doll(s) to arrive this year were the Sister Moguls giftset.  This giftset was a W Club Exclusive from 2016.  All W Club members were able to purchase this set, and it was produced based on the preorder - edition size 1250.  Cost $200.

This is a full length photo in the box.
The dolls are actually quite similar.  They were originally supposed to have two different skin tones, but a decision was made during production to give them the same Japan skin tone.

Here is a closeup of Agnes Von Weiss.
I love her screening.  Her eyes are gorgeous.

And here is Giselle Diefendorf.
Another beautiful face.

Here are the accessories.
(Sorry about the fuzzy photo on the right.)  There are two pair of earrings, four rings, two magnetic pins, a veil, an extra set of hands for each doll, a set of photos and pencil for autographing them, and a pair of shoes for each doll.

Here is a photo of the dolls out of box.
My only concerns (and they are minor) are that the dress is a little short in the front and the sleeves aren't long enough.  When sewing stretchable lace, the seamstress needs to allow for the fabric drawing up.  I really like the black "leather" pants and Giselle's top.

Another closeup of Agnes.  She is truly drool-worthy.
And her sister, Giselle.
I wanted to see how Giselle would look redressed.  I have her wearing In Rouge from the 2015 Integrity Convention.
I couldn't stop photographing this girl.
She is wonderful.
I hate that it took 11 months to open this giftset.  I could've been redressing these girls all year!


  1. I bought two Giselle dolls from this set to make identical twins :-). The hair-do and gorgeous face did it :-). Don't you love the doll stand too? I have that too, but everything else I don't have.
    If you are interested, you can take a look at my twins on my blog :-).
    The clothes from this set are also divine I think! And the little pencil and other accessories as well!
    The red outfit is perfect, really awesome :-).

  2. Lovely faces!! Different once you really look at them although similar at first glance...
    They are very elegant in these black outfits. Enjoy them as they deserve!!
    Kisses from Spain


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