Thursday, January 19, 2017

2016 in Review

Every year I try to reflect on my collecting.  I am very happy to report that more dolls left my collection in 2016 than was added - 37 dolls were sold and 34 dolls were purchased.  I know that isn't a large difference, but at least it went in the correct direction!  Several of the dolls that I purchased were Barbie play line dolls, so I think I came close to being even with money also!

I did exceptionally well with most of my guidelines this year.    Guideline #5 was a bust as it relates to Poppy Parker.  I completely missed the potential of the "Poppy Goes to Paris" line.  I can no longer even joke that I don't collect Poppy Parker.  I purchased four of these on secondary market and have learned my lesson to pre-order all of them in the future!  Poppy Parker was my #1 of 2016.  I posted the following collage of photos on Flickr and it broke all records on my flickr account.
This photo has over 12,000 hits and even was invited to "in explore".  I have always been excited to get a couple hundred hits on a photo.  A few times I've had over 1,000 hits spread out over months, but nothing like 12,000 hits in less than 48 hours.  Go Poppy Parker!

I have decided to sell off much of my collection in 2017.  I am going to try and get my Ellowyne addiction down to 12 dolls.  I hope to eliminate many doll lines and focus my 1:6 lines to Poppy/Misaki, Fashion Royalty, and NuFace.  It's time to slow down on what is purchased, enjoy my favorites by playing (redressing) more, and let go of the rest.  

I hope 2017 is a great collecting experience for all of you who follow my blog.  I will try my best to post more often and share my journey as I move forward.


  1. That year of Poppy shot is great.

    I'm planning to attempt to do some major thinning out of the collection this year as well. Good luck with it! :)

  2. More posts!!! :) Congrats on your Flickr record, I have contributed that number with at least one hit! :)

  3. I always love reading your posts. I hope you keep sharing with us photos of your dolls and your thoughts about them :)

  4. I hope you post your dolls for sale on the blog. I am looking for a few Ellowyne. :)

  5. Wow very nice post its all information is really helpful for me and other users.

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Thank you for your wonderful comments and the encouragement to write this blog. It is only possible because you read and respond. I do not comment back because I have not figured out how to do that. That is my goal for the New Year - to better design my blog.