Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Disqualified Doll

My very favorite doll of 2015 was not included in my countdown this year.   I decided to limit the dolls in my countdown to dolls in production form which eliminated the doll I love the most.

This doll was one of the first released in 2015.  She was an ITBE and could only be purchased if you won the opportunity through a "right to buy" lottery on the W Club.   My husband's membership came up lucky and Dark Side Anja came to live here.
She turned out to be the most sought after doll from that line of six dolls.
Unfortunately, my doll seemed to have a problem with her eye screening.   I contacted customer care at Integrity Toys and got a replacement.  Sadly, the second doll's eyes were worse than the first.  At this juncture I had to make a decision.  Did I like the doll enough to warrant paying to have her irises corrected?

I contacted my friend Veronica Hage.  We discussed what I wanted, and she executed it perfectly.  My very favorite doll of 2015 is Dark Side Anja with repainted irises.  This doll is a work of art!
Her only enhancement were her inner eyes - Veronica also created the tear ducts.  Those piercing blue eyes took her to a whole different level.

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