Sunday, October 5, 2014

Why I Am Bothered

First, and most importantly, I hope my readers know that I am not a chronic complainer.   I really do love my Integrity dolls.   This hobby is my escape from the stress I experience in my profession (I teach elementary school).   When the hobby becomes stressful, it is doubly upsetting.

If IT didn't have the responsive customer service component in its business that it does, I would probably have already moved on.  The staff at IT is incredible at trying to correct problems and provide replacements.  I know there was recently a death in the family, and my deepest condolences go out to everyone.

I guess I wouldn't be so aggravated with my latest acquisitions, if IT hadn't set their own bar so high.  It's difficult to not compare this year's dolls to those from the last convention.  Here is one of my favorite FR dolls ever, After Tonight Eugenia Frost.
She was a centerpiece doll and cost $130 if you were lucky enough to have your number drawn.  (I paid $5 less for her than the dolls from the mainline this year.)   Since IT was able to give me this for $130, I get frustrated to receive some of the dolls I've gotten this year.  This doll is gorgeous.
Here is Midnight Star Elise Jolie, also from last year's convention.  Another exquisite example of what IT is capable of producing.
This is what I've come to expect, so, naturally, I am disappointed with what I've received this year.
Eugenia Frost is my favorite character.  I had high hopes for City Prowl.  I am still awaiting the second replacement.   I decided to take out Touch of Frost Eugenia.  She arrived this past spring, and her eyes had to be corrected by an artist.   Even though there was an additional cost to have this done, she is one of my favorite dolls from 2014.  (She is wearing the dress from Hard Metal Lilith - an ITBE offered to last year's convention attendees.)
I don't want to have to get in the habit of sending new dolls out to be "corrected".   It is an added expense.  In this case, it was worth it.
I just contacted IT for another replacement.  This time it's Elusive Creature Natalia.  Here is a photo of what I received.  Her left eye screening is definitely off.  I've already been contacted and told a replacement would be sent.
There are problems in every doll line - I've been around a long time and have experienced most of them first hand.  As much as I like collecting dolls, I think it's the miniature fashions that appeal to me most.  There really isn't any other company producing doll fashions that rival those of IT.

I've purchased nine FR dolls this year.  So far, four of them have had problems with their eyes.  I don't like this statistic.  I thought long and hard about my "bad luck" and come to realize that my luck shouldn't be this bad.   I know the dealer I use allows local collectors to cherry pick their inventory before sending out their orders by mail.  That's probably a big reason why I have so many dolls arriving with problems.  I am being sent the "leftovers".   My first step with all of this is to change my dealer.  If anyone knows of a great dealer who doesn't add a premium to their FR dolls and doesn't allow local collectors to pick over the dolls, please let me know.

If this doesn't help, I guess I'll move on to a different solution.


  1. Change dealers and hope for the best possible results. I feel your pain! IT fashions are indeed the finest.

  2. Eep...I'm sorry yet another doll has needed to be replace... Fingers crossed for a new dealer!

  3. I'd like to know who is that dealer, I am very dissapointing too, low quality of this collection is really depressing for any collector who love their dolls.

  4. It's gotten so that I'm afraid to buy any Integrity dolls that have forward-facing eyes now, because I've gotten so many over the past three years that had derpy eyes. They tend to do better with their side-glancing screenings. I'm also scared to buy tan-skinned dolls from them, because I've had so many whose hands (and sometimes feet) turned green. I have a Darla Daley with green feet and hands, and she's out of warranty. Sigh. Supposedly they've fixed this tan skin problem, but I'm still scared.

  5. That's awful that you are receiving dolls that are not up to par. I order from Couture Dolls and have been doing so for a few years. I have never had any problems with them. George is awesome and extremely friendly. I have checked my dolls after reading your posts on many occasions and have never had any of the issues that you have experienced. Neither of my dolls had the mold issues that some have posted about. I think trying another dealer may be a good idea.

    Your dolls are beautiful and I look forward to your post about them. I would hate for IT to lose a great customer.

  6. I agree.....After Tonight is one of the most beautiful Eugenia's ever!

    I would like to know who your present dealer is....would it be possible to e-mail me at

    Thanks so Much!


  7. I honestly don't know what to say. IT dolls were unique. Their faces were beautiful. Their clothes were beautiful. The new body is better (for me) than the torpedo boobs, I was so excited. So, so excited. because honestly, there are no dolls and characters in the doll world as Agnes, Eugenia, Elise, Giselle, The twins, Rayna, etc. It's sad. I have high hopes for the new Veonique and Elise, both of whom I haven't heard complains of, (Plus this Vero could be the one for me). I really don't want this to be the new norm of quality for dolls. I heard they have changed recently the place where they manufacture the dolls, maybe this is kind of a "transitioning" problem, because I really had admired these dolls for years, and it would be a shame if they keep releasing this.
    I hope you let us know how everything worked out.

  8. I know I have been lucky I guess, this is the first year ive honestly had something so bad that I actually reported to to the patient care. My Agnes had the same thing where her one eye was off and slightly lower,and her eyebrow was cut short. The vest also doesnt even come close to fitting over the corset. I just left that alone because I dont really like it closed but I did let them know in case anyone else had a problem.

    I hope our heads arrive soon! :3


Thank you for your wonderful comments and the encouragement to write this blog. It is only possible because you read and respond. I do not comment back because I have not figured out how to do that. That is my goal for the New Year - to better design my blog.