Sunday, July 13, 2014

Summer Vacation Day 13

After my last post about putting doll heads on different bodies, I looked over my collection and was surprised by just how many dolls I have here that have been changed.   I'm not sure why the Funny Face line of 2013 wasn't more popular.   Not only is the clothing high quality and well tailored, the doll face ups are gorgeous.  In addition to Take The Picture Vanessa 1.0 being on a taller FR handspeak body, I also have A Woman Who Thinks Anja on a taller body.
I have her wearing 2013's Ambitious Kesenia's dress and shoes.   This doll represents the character Dovima from Funny Face, who was a famous model of the time who played a parody of herself in the movie.  I love a doll with a good widow's peak and give me a raven-haired one with red lips and I'm in heaven, especially if that doll has a great short hair cut!  Although this doll was the representation of someone from 1957, she looks just as modern and chic today as any other doll in my collection.    A Woman Who Thinks Anja is one of my very favorite dolls from 2013.

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