Saturday, September 28, 2013

OCD can be a real b***h!

As my followers know, I honestly do have issues relative to Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder.  Sometimes it makes it difficult to be a doll collector because you have to find ways to accommodate the subtle problems in the artistic development in a doll.  Sometimes an eye may be a little off, the lipstick not exactly on the lip line, a seam not perfectly straight.   My husband makes fun of me because I actually look at my dolls under a magnifying glass.

When I started photographing my dolls, it heightened my anxiety over many of them.  Thank God for Photoshop software!   I've become pretty adept at "fixing" some of the minor problems my dolls have.

If someone were to visit my doll room, they would notice that the majority of my dolls have either "up-dos" or straight hair.  Dolls with longer or curlier hair are wearing hairnets to keep the hair as close to factory as possible.  I've even taken the time to tie hair in place with fishing line!  That's because "stray hairs" just drive me totally nuts!

As much I loved Irresistible Dania (last post), I knew there was going to be an issue with her hair.  I tried to keep everything in place.  I carefully removed her hairnet when deboxing.  I strategically put clear rubber bands in place near the waves and curls.  The results were great.  I was proud of my efforts
I believe that this dolls just screams for pastel colors.  Last weekend was the first day of Fall.  Before it officially began, I decided my "Malibu" girl needed a day in the sun.  I dressed in her Point of Departure Eugenia's swimsuit.
But no matter how hard I tried, stray hairs starting sneaking out.  (I think there is a stray hair demon living upstairs and I need to hire an exorcist!)  You can see them in the photo above.
Eventually, I wound up trying to comb the hair.  You would think by now I would know better.  I found that I had to tie the hair behind to even photograph her again.
The only possible solution was boiling water. Now the hair is straight and manageable.
But ... I think I am missing the curls.  (This is the ensemble from Shanghai Veronique).


  1. I understand about her hair and your obsession. But, I have to say those outfits made me forget about the strays. I almost used profanity when I saw that leather jacket...whew!

  2. You were right about the pastel colors on her. You picked some great outfits! You know stray hairs are a requirement in Morristown. LOL! Makes my life a lot easier.

  3. I'm with Grandmommy, the outfits made me not notice the stray hairs. Besides my own hair is always frizzier than any of my dolls so I guess I'm used to it. Your decision to put her in pastel colours was spot on, she looks wonderful.

  4. I have been known to take a little hair gel, not a ton, and smooth it over those strays. The hair isn't hard but stays in line.

    I do agree I never even thought or saw the strays. :O)


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