Saturday, April 6, 2013

Everything's Coming Up Red

I have been very fortunate with the list I generated, "Five Dolls I Want To Add To My Collection".  So fortunate, I'm beginning to worry about adding names to the list to replace names coming off!  Last week, I added Follow the Line Kesenia.  She is from 2011 and had a limited production of 300 dolls worldwide.  I thought she would be very difficult to find.

But ... here she is ...
She is wearing the outfit from the FR 2011 line that I did not have.  The outfit rarely comes up for sale, and when it does, it's usually about $100 just for the ensemble.  It comes with a "crop" tuxedo jacket, white bloues, and stunning black pencil pants.

The accessories are quite wonderful.  There is a a great little blue clutch purse, pale pink/black shoes that have an elastic band in the back for easy dressing, an extra set of hands, and one of the best modern necklaces IT has released.
This doll often sells for more than $250.  I have never really cared for this doll's hair or faceup.  I am not a Kesenia fan, having sold the first two released.  So, my plan was to get the doll for the clothing/accessories, and use her body for the IFDC Shake It Up Korinne.  I refused to pay the high secondary markup on her.  But I found her still at a dealer's, but at a markup price I could live with.  (I struggle quite a bit with purchasing dolls from dealers at a markup, but it was less than secondary market.  And I do want to support the small doll shops and help them whenever I can.)

But, when I got Follow The Line out of the box, I was surprised by how much I really do like her.  She reminds me a great deal of the actress Julianne Moore.  I almost want to get some water color pencils and draw freckles all over her body (but that would be exhausting).  Here is another full length shot, but out of the box this time.  I told you those pants were awesome!
Here is another photo of her wearing the necklace and the TOTT dress. Maybe Your Kind of Model Kesenia has mellowed me a little on this mold, but I am loving Follow The Line.  Now what is Korinne going to do about that Bride of Dracula body??

While I was typing my blog this morning, the mail person suprised me with a package from the W Club.  Another red head arrived.

"Out Sass Vanessa 3.0" was the second W Club doll from 2012.  She is just now being shipped.  I don't want to take away from Kesenia, but I wanted to share how beautiful this doll really is!

She will deserve a whole blog feature of her own. 


  1. Congrats on getting Kesenia, I love every one of her being released so far, think about getting the Ambitious I think she will be a bomb! Also, Out Sass looks very very good, I am regretting not ordering her, she looks very nice on your photos :)

  2. Great post; that Vanessa and her beautiful hair reminds me of my, no less beautiful, "Living Dangerously" Kyori.

  3. Keensia is gorgeous with her hair out. And you're right, the outfit is super cute.

  4. Congrats! See, I think that when a girl is supposed to come join the crowd, things like this happen, and it becomes very easy to get them, regardless of how difficult they are to obtain. XD


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