Sunday, October 7, 2012

Color Infusion

First, I want to post a link to a wonderful flickr page.  There have been many naysayers about the clothing used in this year's convention line.  This awesome doll sleuth uncovered the inspiration behind several of the ensembles.  Enjoy the photos:

I promised last week I'd post something about the Color Infusion Lab at the Convention.   As this was my first Convention, I was disappointed that there wouldn't be a Dynamite Girl Build-A-Doll Workshop this year.  Actually I was disappointed that there were no Dynamite Girls at all. 

When you pay for convention registration, you get an e-mail with the official convention information several weeks later.  This information included details about workshops.  At that time, we were notified that there would be 14 different Color Infusion Dolls - 10 girls and 4 boys.  There were also 4 girl outfits and 2 boy outfits.  Later there was an ordering process for reserving dolls.  You could reserve as many as you wanted and would pick up a ticket when you arrived at the convention.  The price was $65 per doll/ensemble combination.  Attendees with tickets were given preference in line and dolls were first come/first serve.

At the convention, they didn't ask to see the tickets when you got in line, but you had to have them when you paid for the dolls.   When I arrived after breakfast, the line was all the way up the stairs - some attendees got in line at 3:00 a.m.  The convention management put a limit on purchases - you could only buy one of each version up to 14 tickets.  Most individuals in line were able to get the dolls they wanted.  After lunch, they opened the sale of CI to all attendees and anyone could buy whatever dolls they wanted.  Several sold out almost immediately.

I reserved 10 dolls.  These dolls were nothing like what I expected.  I expected a lot of avante garde color in faceups and odd hair colors.  Surprisingly, the dolls themselves do not fit the description of Color Infusion at all.  There were five female molds with two different skintones of each mold.   They were labeled A - J.   The first doll to sell out was Model I.  She was a beautiful Asian doll. 
I didn't like Model J which was the other version of this mold- auburn hair and darker complexion.  I also did not like either version of the G/H mold.   Another doll to sell out quickly was Model C.  She is amazing.
I liked this mold in both skintone versions.  So I got Model D also.
Everyone was excited about Model B who was shown on the poster for the Color Infusion Lab.  She is a gorgeous African American doll.
I actually preferred Model A.  She looks like a California girl:
This is what makes Integrity Toys so exciting.  They give you something you totally do not expect.  You don't even realize it's something you want until they show it to you.  I LOVE these girls.  Even with their big feet and hands.

Although I didn't like Model F, I liked Model E - who was another sell-out.

As there were only four ensemble choices, I had to get two repeats.  The outfits were the "Color Infusion".  The models were beautifully painted with awesome hair choices.  The ensembles were dramatic. 

Ensemble One:

Ensemble Two:
Ensemble Three:

Ensemble Four:

These ensembles fit many of the IT body types although the tops usually do not fit the bigger busts on the FR women. 
The outfits are well constructed; however, it seems that certain pieces are difficult to put on the new CI bodies.  These new models have big feet.  They cannot wear any shoes that fit other Integrity Dolls.  That's why we were offered a shoe pack for $20.
I have 11 pair of Star Doll shoes and they all fit these girls well.  They are plastic, but it's better to have plastic shoes than no shoes, right?  There are also several pair of Monster High shoes that fit as well. 

There were also 4 Male Dolls.  They are all created from the Chip mold.  I was shocked to see such handsome faceups using the Chip mold.  We'll start with model K who has wonderful locks and a hispanic skintone.  He also has facial hair.
Next we have Model L, my personal favorite of the boys.  He also has facial hair.
The most popular doll was Model N.  He looks quite a bit like Beautiful Boy but with a caucasian skintone.

I didn't get Model M - he had red hair and didn't appeal to me.  The two outfits are extremely well made and these males have the same bodies as the regular FR Hommes, so they can wear any of the Hommes clothing.. 

Ensemble 5 is really cool.  You can't tell from photos, but that black and white checked jacket is vinyl. 

Ensemble 6 is also very nice.

Even though I had 10 tickets, I decided to only get 9 dolls.  Although I was very surprised by these dolls, I was reluctant to go in 100%.   Their faces and hair are much better than I ever expected. It was not my intention to start a new collection, but I don't seem to be able to put them up for sale.  I love their face-ups.


  1. I was totally blown away by this line too. I'm happy with the 5 I got. I love that you can mix & match the clothes too :O) Sorry we didn't meet maybe next year

  2. Love your recap Robyne. I purchased A, I, J, and L. The Asian one is my favorite which is why I purchased her counterpart. I love how you have styled her. In my opinion, IT created really gorgeous dolls for this convention compared to last year. I adored ALL of the center piece dolls this year. Looking forward to LA.

  3. I love this collection of CI dolls too. Looks like only the color of the clothing was bright and not the dolls. I was expecting orange/blue hair with bizarre make-up. Maybe they weren't taking chances on people not liking the mix.

    I only planned to get 2 girls and 2 hommes but ended up with 6 girls and 2 hommes but sold one of the hommes. I liked the diversity of the skin tones of the girls.

    Overall it was an outstanding collection and I don't plan to sell any of the others.


  4. I think of all the convention dolls, I was most excited about all of the color fusion dolls- more excited about these than the ones that were actual convention dolls you received at your table gifts, and all. I didn't attend convention but I know I would have gone broke purchasing all of these color lab male dolls- they are gorgeous!

  5. Hello from Spain: I love this collection of CI too. The dolls clothes and shoes are gorgeous. The boys are male. I like a lot. Keep in touch

  6. I wish they had been named something other than color infusion...while they are fun (very happy for everyone that loves these dolls), they are totally different than the previously released CI dolls, and for me that was disappointing. As a collector who spends lots of $ on dolls, it is frustrating when a company changes a doll line mid stream. I am thinking this must mean the end of the original color infusion line? Why not just call it something else? Not to be negative, just sad here :(

  7. One of the best recaps I've read. Your photos are excellent. Thanks.

  8. I like the new bodies, they are much lighter than the tropicalia dolls. I have lab d doll and she is beautiful, finding shoes can be a handful though lol

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. hi, please if you still have her can i buy subject i the asian one from you ? please email me at


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