Sunday, July 1, 2012

And now a word from our sponsors ...

While the girls are having "weekend", I decided to get in some play time.  Sorting dolls is hard work!

Imagine the song Dueling Banjos playing during this blog entry.  Now that I've written that, I bet it will be hard to get the song out of your head!

I was able to finally purchase a special doll that had eluded me for a long time.  I have stayed with my guidelines this year and didn't want to break one, so it was difficult to get this doll at retail price.  But, I actually did one better - the seller had a sale in their e-bay store of 25% off and I got the doll below retail!  Oh, happy dance! 

We are going to have "dueling Audreys" and my readers actually get to participate by voting in the poll on the right side!

First up is the Integrity Holly Golightly doll.   This is from the Breakfast At Tiffany's line and is the People Do Fall In Love doll - a limited edition of 300 - Retail Price for Giftset which included additional outfits: $175.  I was able to purchase this doll from my regular retailer.
Next, we have the Mattel Sabrina Audrey Hepburn.  Mattel was actually able to secure license to the Audrey Hepburn likeness, which Integrity did not.  Integrity was only able to license the movie name and "intepret" the character into a doll.  This doll sold for less than $50.  I found her dressed in the pink outfit on e-bay for $22.  I put her on a pivotal body from the Barbie Loves Frankie doll.
Now, this brings me to the Integrity Toys Poppy Parker character dressed as Sabrina.  I missed this line when it was released in the spring.  I didn't think I would like it (especially after having received my Holly Golightly doll).  Unfortunately, when you hang out on the doll boards, it is very easy to become enabled.  I was surprised by how much I liked her.  I posted a message looking for the doll and a good dolly friend, (Rich in FL), was able to come to my aid by selling her without the luggage and dog at a greatly discounted price.  Thank you Rich!!  This is Most Sophisticated Poppy Parker - a limited edition of 450 - Retail Price for Giftset which included luggage, dog, extra clothing was $180. 
Now, for the doll who inspired me to do this blog entry.  This doll has never been billed as an "Audrey Hepburn doll "or a "doll inspired by a character in an Audrey Hepburn movie."   However, the first time I saw a real live photo of this doll, I immediately thought "Audrey Hepburn".   When she was released she sold out immediately, and I have been trying to nab one for years.  Here is Integrity's Monogram Incandescent.  Limited Edition of 250 dolls - Retail Price $150.

So, here they are.  Which one do you think captures the "true essence" of Audrey Hepburn and/or her movie characters?  Vote now!  Blog lines are open for 24 hours and will close when I decide to post results!


  1. Personally, I love Integrity's version of Audrey..but I too, wanted that giftset- congratulations on getting it! Although the Mattel version of the clothing was very superb. I also congratulate you on getting most sophisticated- she is a gorgeous doll. I am currently looking for her and am hoping to get chauffer's daughter as well. I love Poppy. I got a great deal on ebay as well for 6 am breakfast at Tiffany's nrfb...I love your blog!

  2. Tough call. I think you are right about the Monogram doll. She probably captures her essence. The Mattel doll of course, looks most like her. I love, love Poppy, so she's in there, too. I guess it would be easier to answer who doesn't capture her essence. Holly GoLightly.

  3. I might be biased, but I have to hand it to Mattel. Her sons take thier Mother's licensing VERY seriously. The dolls and fashions might not be IT quality, but Mattel dontated part of the proceeds from the collection to the Audrey Hepburn Children's Fund. Which is why her sons agreed to a doll made in her likness. So for that I give Mattel's doll a higher hand.

  4. They all have their points to them. Even though the other dolls have the Hepburnesque(new word) quality to them my heart goes with the Mattel version. I understand that Intefrity wasn't going with the Audrey look of the dolls. I'm no fan of at least 2 of the 4 models. The cutie in the hat screams Misaki more than Sabrina to me

  5. I really think Mattel version is the most accurate for an Audrey Hepburn persona.. But I really, really liked the Poppy Sabrina. She looks youthful and sparkling as she is elegant and sophisticate.. those qualities Audrey embraces so well as Sabrina.

    So i have to day, Poppy Sabrina.. es the best to date.

  6. My favorite doll of the group is Most Sophisticated. I am so happy I was able to snag that gift set in the 3.5 seconds before it sold out everywhere. As to who best captures Audrey Heburn I'd say it was the Mattel version of Audrey, with Most Sophisticated a close second. I really enjoy your blog and can identify with your quest to keep the collection within limits.

  7. That was a hard vote. I saw Audrey in the first three and they are all lovely.

  8. Hello from Spain: I think the doll that most resembles the actress and represents her elegance and the essence is the Mattel version Sabrina Audrey Hepburn. Keep in touch

  9. The Mattel doll is closest but Poppy Sabrina is just so beautiful you have to keep her - the other two can be voted off the island though the Monogram doll is very lovely.

  10. Poppy Parker's take on Sabrina resembles Audrey Heburn the most to me.

  11. I totally understand your pain of sorting dolls. I decided to open up everyone of my barbies i didnt want to keep in a box.....i got halfway through before i gave up for now :3

    I really like the Poppy (which i have one too) and the monogram


Thank you for your wonderful comments and the encouragement to write this blog. It is only possible because you read and respond. I do not comment back because I have not figured out how to do that. That is my goal for the New Year - to better design my blog.